Information about Essential Oils

For a 10 minute look at what essential oils are all about and how to use them:

Quality of essential oils is very important. For a 6 minute deeper look at the best quality standards, watch this:

I can help you order any essential oils you would like. If you are new to essential oils, we have a great deal to get you started.

I highly recommend the Young Living Premium Starter Kit, which contains 12 of the most popular essential oils, as well as a diffuser and samples of other exciting products.

To order just 5 of these oils, Lavender, Lemon, Frankincense, Peace & Calming, and Valor, at retail would cost $168.76. But you can get all 12 of these incredible oils, a free diffuser, along with more samples of great products, for an amazing discount.

This kit is an incredible deal at more than half off of the retail price. You get over $400 of products for only $165! Along with this great kit you will get a membership that allows you to buy all Young Living products, now or later, at 24% off.

When I first started with essential oils, I only knew that I needed Thieves oil, but I got the starter kit to get the 24% off of future purchases. Gradually, I found uses for all of those oils, and now I cannot imagine being without them! They have transformed my life and my health.

To order these essential oils in the U.S. go to:

Private message me on Facebook with any questions, or for help with what to order and ordering details. If you are not in the U.S., message me what country you are in, and I will help you with how to order from there. You can find me on

If you want more information about essential oils, and the particular oils in this kit, listen to the audio class at this link: or message me on facebook with questions.

Note: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.

101 Textable Class

Ordering link: