How to Rescue Toenails

feet, toes, barefoot

When my mother-in-law came to live with us, we discovered that the podiatrist she had been seeing had cut her toenails, but had not done anything to solve the underlying problems. Her toenails were thick and yellow and ugly. They were very hard to trim. The smell was bad! Trying to trim those nails was a nauseating task. There had to be something that would help!

A good friend had introduced me to some wonderful natural products that been amazing in helping with other problems that my mother and mother-in-law had, so I wondered if some of them would help these toenails. I did some research and came up with a combination to try.

I mixed up this recipe in a little jar. Every morning and evening, as I helped her to dress, I put this on her toenails. It takes a while to see results, because toenails grow slowly. You can’t change the part that has already grown, but the new toenail growing out from the bed grew normal and pink and healthy! It was amazing to see the transformation.

Toenail Rescue Blend

 2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
 10 drops YL Tea Tree Oil
 10 drops YL Thieves Oil Blend
 10 drops YL Oregano Oil 

Mix these together in a small container with a lid, preferably glass. Apply daily to toenails with a Q-tip. Do not put the Q-tip back into the container. (I would get enough on one end of the Q-tip to do all of the toes on one foot. Then I carefully used the other end to do the other foot. Then it went straight into the trash. If you need more, get another q-tip. Q-tips are cheap and you do not want to be spreading the nasties!)

Continue this procedure once or twice daily. It can take several months for the new, healthy toenails to grow out.

Spa Footbath

You can also improve the toenails by soaking them in a footbath. This is especially good to do before trimming or filing the nails, as it will make them a little softer and easier to work with. Add the essential oils to the salts. Let them sit for a few hours, if possible. Store in a glass or metal container with a lid . (The Lemon oil can eat through a plastic container.) Then add 1/4 cup to a dishpan of warm water and soak the feet for 20-30 minutes. Dry with a towel and then clip or file the nails.

½ cup Epsom salts
¼ cup Sea Salt
8 drops of YL Lavender oil 
4 drops of YL Frankincense oil
2 drops of YL Lemon oil
4 drops of YL Tea Tree oil

Meanwhile, you might want to be spraying their shoes with the mixture below, to keep the ickies from coming back again.

Stinky Shoe Spray

 4 oz glass or metal spray bottle
 ½ cup rubbing alcohol or witch hazel
 10 drops YL Tea Tree oil
 10 drops YL Thieves oil blend
  6 drops YL Peppermint oil

Use a small funnel to fill the spray bottle about half way with rubbing alcohol or witch hazel. Now add the drops of essential oils. Fill the rest of the bottle carefully with the alcohol or witch hazel, leaving a little room for the sprayer at the top. Close the bottle and shake well to combine. Your DIY essential oil shoe spray is ready to use!

Spray the insides of the shoes each night, being sure to get inside the toe area. Allow them to dry before wearing.

Essential Oils

The quality of essential oils is very important. Please do not run to the local big box store and buy cheap essential oils. There is no regulation on essential oil contents, so a bottle that says 100% pure essential oils may actually contain a lot of synthetics and fillers. Never buy essential oils on amazon. They may have familiar names and labels, but often are fakes containing synthetics and fillers.

You have to trust the company that bottles those oils. I only recommend one essential oil company. Young Living essential oils set the standard that everyone else strives toward. They have the BEST essential oils on the planet. Young Living has their own farms and works very closely with their farmers all over the world. All of their oils abide by their very strict Seed to Seal practices.

You can order essential oils here:

Special Deal Alert!

If you follow that link and order the Starter Kit, which contains most of the oils you need for the recipes on this page and some other oils that are a BIG help with aging loved ones, I will send you FREE samples of the other two oils you need.

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We have a series of posts on How to Reduce Care-giver Anxiety and Increase Joy!

You can also message me with any questions or help with ordering oils.

Note: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.