Proven Walking Aids for Your Parent’s Safety

Walking difficulties often plague our parents as they age. We have found that it is actually easier if you can convince your parent to use a walker when they first start to be unsteady on their feet, rather than waiting until it is an absolute necessity. If you wait too long, and they are experiencing cognitive decline, then they may not be able to remember to take the walker with them. It is easier if the habit is already engrained.

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Rollator Walkers

This standard rollator walker was used by three of our parents. My dad first got it when his walking ability started suffering after a major surgery and general decline from Alzheimer’s Disease. Later, my mother-in-law used it, and still later my mother. It is a good, basic walker, with hand brakes, a seat, and a storage bag.

A litte more . . .

If you want a walker with a few more features, like larger wheels and an extra carry bag, this Hugo walker is a good choice.

PVC Walker

A PVC walker like this was a huge help to my Dad when he was losing his ability to walk. He could sit down and rest whenever he wanted and wouldn’t fall out. This aid prolonged his walking ability for a few more months.

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